Hi! Name is Wendy - NEED HELP with Chicken diet - Chickens DYING! PLEASE!!!

Welcome to BYC! Glad you joined us!
I wanted to give everyone an update, in case someone else has the same problem. The second hen who got sick, I gave her a shot 3 days in a row. I don't remember the name, but if you need to know, let me know so I can find the bottle. Also, I put electrolytes and antibiotics in the water. They are doing fantastic.

I hate that I had to give meds to them, because I only feed organic diet, but I had to do what I had to do to keep them living. :(
I wanted to give everyone an update, in case someone else has the same problem. The second hen who got sick, I gave her a shot 3 days in a row. I don't remember the name, but if you need to know, let me know so I can find the bottle. Also, I put electrolytes and antibiotics in the water. They are doing fantastic.

I hate that I had to give meds to them, because I only feed organic diet, but I had to do what I had to do to keep them living. :(

Glad they're feeling better! Now if only my flock would get healthy--one of my pullets has fallen ill of an unknown cause.

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