Hi, New here and will be new to chickens

from the UK
from Washington

What you did, been there done that! I finally got some photos uploaded! Guess working on my own personal page will be next!
Wow...so many people from all over! Makes the world feel smaller when we all have a common interest.

Well, we ordered:

local breeders
2 blue silkies

4 white silkies
3 black silkies

2 white leghorns
2 EE's

We will have the bantams in a separate coop
The layers will have their own space too. I am hoping to one day use the silkies as brooders for more leghorns.

My brooder is all set. We are getting so excited. I hope all goes well with the hatching. I feel like a parent waiting to adopt. Knowing they are coming and praying they are healthy. LOL!

Thanks for the nice welcome!
Well you sure picked out a nice selection - looking forward to the pics when you get them home.

How big of a brooder do you have? I am looking for ideas, mine are in a huge fish tank/reptile cage and I'm thinking the glass isn't a good idea. I have no issues yet, but some say the glass tanks are bad.

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