Hi! New member from CT.

Thanks for the info....but I don't know the amount of calories the average chicken needs or how many calories are in their feed!
I bought a small acorn squash so I will see if they like that before I give them a whole pumpkin, lol....I might save that for a pie for thanksgiving....thanks again.
Thanks! And yes, enjoying the girls and the eggs...they are a hoot to watch! especially when I give them grapes!
Just wondering.. what are your birds like? I want to get one.
I'm also new to BYC!
Hi! I love my girls...they are beautiful in the sun....black but in the sun the feathers turn a teal color...
personality-wise, hard to say cuz I never had chickens before....they are a bit skiddish, but luv
me and follow me cuz they know I'm the one with the treats! lol They lay med-large light brown eggs
except the first 1/2 dozen were double yolks when they first started laying. I hear them ~bawking~ out there,
either one is getting ready to lay, or they want out and into the yard.
Just made them some oatmeal
for a breakfast snack and a little energy after giving me eggs. Good luck to you!
Hi and
from Ohio. So glad to have you aboard. Just remember chickens are just like children, if you give them too many treats, they don't want to eat their layer feed. thumbsup
Boy O Boy do I know that! I have read so much about treats and stuff....amazing what junk some people feed their chickens!
Mine are getting a little snack of oatmeal this morning for a treat after all 4 are done laying....I still hear them ~bawking~ so I
don't think all 4 are quite done....these are our firsts and like when I had my kids, good advice is appreciated...I luv them so much
and just want to do whats best fo them.
Wow! You have a flock and a half! Wish I had room for more...as it is, in my town we aren't even supposed to have chickens...
and what I say to that is ~~~BAWK
~~~~~........the neighbors know we have them and they love the fresh eggs!

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