Hi! So excited to intro!


Aug 6, 2020
My name is Wendy and I’m from Westchester County, NY! I designed and built my own coop (it’s pretty ramshackle as I’m not a carpenter by any stretch) but I’m kinda proud of it!! I just recently gotten my 7 new ladies (started pullets ages ranging from approx
Golden Buff/Comet ~ 18ish weeks “Karen”
Buff Brahma ~ 17ish wks “Louise”
Barred Rock ~15ish wks “Mabel” aka “Turkey”
Speckled Sussex ~13-15ish wks “Greta VanTweet”
Americaunas ~ 9-11wks “Ophelia”
Golden Laced Wyandotte ~9-11wks “Winnie Cooper”
Buff Orp: ~9-11wks “Tilly”
They are awesome! I love them!!
I have been wondering about “Mabel’s” coloring though... she doesn’t look To have pure BR Coloring 🤔 she seems to have some Gold coloring between the bars!
Anyway will post later with pics of the whole crew and my coop!! This question has just been gnawing at me and Im all googled Out! 🤣🐓🥚🥰
I also built my own coop and doing this just makes you feel more proud of your flock! Be proud of building the coop and feel free to strut your stuff with your flock!! :wee
I only have EEs and I love this breed so much that I don't think I will every change to different breeds. So I am not an expert on BR colors but there are a lot and I mean a lot of people here that know way more than I do!

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