Hi there everyone!


Oct 7, 2015
Nanaimo, BC
Just joined up, decided I loved this website full of such helpful information and people!

We just adopted our first ever 6 chickens, one columbian rock, one red rock, two barred rocks and two rhode island reds.
Unfortunately after a week of having them we realized that they all have minor cases of scaly leg mites, so that brought me here!

There was an awesome thread on the forum filled with such helpful answers as to how to deal with them, so were starting to treat them and hoping (fingers crossed) they'll get better soon!!
Due to this issue happening so suddenly to us new chicken owners, we figured its best we just join up so we can learn all we can and share our own stories of what has helped!

so excited :)
A very warm welcome to BYC
The Learning Centre has lots of info, but don't be shy to ask any questions you wish - we are here to learn from each other.


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