Hi there from NJ! And please read to give advice....


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2015
Hopewell Township, NJ
Hi all!!!

We finally did it after watching this website for at least 2 years. We now have a flock - we picked up the 12 chicks day after St. Patty's and had them in the house until 2 weeks ago when we were finally able to move them....they were getting VERY restless and needed room to run!

We had (will explain) 2 Buff Orps, 2 Delawares, 2 Cuckoo Marans, 3 RIRs and 3 Amberlinks. As they grew and grew one of the Buffs grew more quickly and was developing wattles and a beautiful red comb waaaaay quicker than the rest (all were the same age) our town does not allow roosters so ......back to the feed store he went. The man that owns the store has a farm and little Roo was swapped out for a Red Star pullet, who is the sweetest thing.

The new pullet.......so we followed advice given us and kept her in a dog crate in the run with the rest of the flock and then put her in the coop that night once light had almost gone...same thing the next day/night. So I check the site for introducing new members and see we should have kept her isolated for at least 30 days!! We are, too put it lightly, freaking out now because we may have endangered all our babies. She has sneezed twice today but other than the pecking order shenanigans she seems OK, still bright eyed and wants food but is stressed, wants attention and keeps up high away from the rest of the gurls for now but they have let her eat as we put the alpha (bossy one)in the same dog crate. At this point is it too late to anything except watch them all closely over the next few weeks? We gave probiotics and electrolytes in their water and can find/add other supplements if necessary. Any ideas or guidance please?? We feel horrible about this and shouldn't have taken the new pullet as we were OK with just giving back Roo.

Thanks in advance for any help!!
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Hi all!!!

We finally did it after watching this website for at least 2 years. We now have a flock - we picked up the 12 chicks day after St. Patty's and had them in the house until 2 weeks ago when we were finally able to move them....they were getting VERY restless and needed room to run!

We had (will explain) 2 Buff Orps, 2 Delawares, 2 Cuckoo Marans, 3 RIRs and 3 Amberlinks. As they grew and grew one of the Buffs grew more quickly and was developing wattles and a beautiful red comb waaaaay quicker than the rest (all were the same age) our town does not allow roosters so ......back to the feed store he went. The man that owns the store has a farm and little Roo was swapped out for a Red Star pullet, who is the sweetest thing.

The new pullet.......so we followed advice given us and kept her in a dog crate in the run with the rest of the flock and then put her in the coop that night once light had almost gone...same thing the next day/night. So I check the site for introducing new members and see we should have kept her isolated for at least 30 days!! We are, too put it lightly, freaking out now because we may have endangered all our babies. She has sneezed twice today but other than the pecking order shenanigans she seems OK, still bright eyed and wants food but is stressed, wants attention and keeps up high away from the rest of the gurls for now but they have let her eat as we put the alpha (bossy one)in the same dog crate. At this point is it too late to anything except watch them all closely over the next few weeks? We gave probiotics and electrolytes in their water and can find/add other supplements if necessary. Any ideas or guidance please?? We feel horrible about this and shouldn't have taken the new pullet as we were OK with just giving back Roo.

Thanks in advance for any help!!
Take this over to the illness and injury Thread
They can tell you how serious the sneezing is and what too do about it.
Things happen, don't beat yourself up over it. it.
Thank you all!

I took 2Riverschick's advice and posted on injury forum. We have her separate now and treating her with probiotics, Vetrx, and electrolytes. She seems OK except for the breathing issue and discharge from her nostrils .... she is on watch and we got vitamins for the rest of the girls to help them not get sick. Keeping our fingers crossed.

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