Hi there from NSW


6 Years
Nov 1, 2013

I've been browsing this site a lot lately, so thought it was about time I signed up. :)

I am a long way off having any chickens yet - I still live in an apartment in inner-city Sydney, Australia. But me and my fiance are really hoping to buy a rural property (once we have finished fiancing) where she can stable horses and we can gradually accumulate various livestock and pets. We love chickens and fowl of all kinds and I'm hoping to be able to have chickens (both regular-sized and bantam), guineas, ducks, geese, maybe pea fowl... Very exciting!

All this is of course a long way off, and I've never lived outside a city environment before (so have absolutely no idea what I'm doing). But I've been reading books I've seen recommended on BYC (e.g Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens + Ducks) and also reading BYC itself to learn as much as I can in advance. Looking forward to discussing all things chicken (and much more besides) on this forum until my quest of sharing some land with them is realized.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
what? You don't plan on having any emus? If you'd like to know what other aussies are up to you can check out their threads "Australia, six states and one funny little island," and "Australians, where are you?" Plus you'll always find some at the Emu threads as well.

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