Hi There, I'm littleredhen4610 and I'm glad to finally be a member


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2020
Hi there! My name is Laura and I have had chickens most of my life. My husband (who builds my coops), my kids and I live in a suburban area, so my flocks have to be small. Right now I have two older hens (a Hamburg and a Barred Rock), six Buff Orpington chicks and a Barred Rock chick. We also have a pair of Buff Orpington ducks who recently hatched out ducklings.
I love all things farm, love reading biographies, watching Heartland and gardening. Our family loves camping and I love horseback riding. I have used Backyard Chickens many times to gain information on my birds' behaviors, but this is the first time I have been a member. :)
Hi there! My name is Laura and I have had chickens most of my life. My husband (who builds my coops), my kids and I live in a suburban area, so my flocks have to be small. Right now I have two older hens (a Hamburg and a Barred Rock), six Buff Orpington chicks and a Barred Rock chick. We also have a pair of Buff Orpington ducks who recently hatched out ducklings.
I love all things farm, love reading biographies, watching Heartland and gardening. Our family loves camping and I love horseback riding. I have used Backyard Chickens many times to gain information on my birds' behaviors, but this is the first time I have been a member. :)

Welcome to BackYardChickens! So glad to have you here in our wonderful community of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people!

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