Hi y'all!!


8 Years
Jul 16, 2011
Newbie here from Texas! My grandma always had chickens when I was a kid & it was so cool. A couple of my neighbors have them so I just decided that the time is right to bring that joy back at my house.

My hubby & one of my boys built a beautiful coop & run last weekend. I showed them a couple of pics on this site similar to what I wanted & they brought it to life. I'm embarrassed to say that I actually cried when they finished it!

We met up with a local poultry farmer yesterday. After talking with him about what I was looking for, we ended up bringing home 2 beautiful girls, a barred rock & a buff orp. Our city code only allows us to have 2.
He said the pullets in both of those groups were 12-14 weeks old so they're somewhere in that age range. My computer is messed up & I don't know if I can post pics with my iPhone or I'd share.

I'm glad to have this forum available & look forward to learning from all the wisdom here!
A big Texas-sized

Be sure to visit us on the Texas Thread (see my signature)


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