
What should I name the lone white cubalaya chick?

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Millie and May’s Place

In the Brooder
May 7, 2018
Issaquah, WA
5E1D41BA-47A7-4F24-9B42-F41B0D9E2BD8.jpeg Hi! I’m Cal.
I’ve been interested in chickens ever since I was nine years old and my grandmother made the mistake of buying me a book on fancy chickens. I pleaded with my mom for about a year, until she finally gave in to me, and bought a supremely violent serama hen with the incongruous name of May.
2EEED519-C0E1-487F-B60F-44C004568B53.jpeg May in her prime.
It soon became clear why May’s breeder was so eager to part with her. Not only was May a cull(albeit very easy on the eyes), but she was also downright vicious with expensive Tiffany lamps, cruel to dogs and cats, and readily beat up other chickens with practiced ease. And May was patient with small children, and preened my hair when she sat on my shoulder. She was a bundle of contradictions, and knife-keen intelligence. May might’ve destroyed a extravagant Tiffany lamp in a fit of pique, but in my mind she was perfect. She’s a year gone, dead at the perfectly respectable age of eight and a half, and I miss her.
I also have Butterscotch, a cantankerous gold mottled serama hen. She’s a distant relative of Millie and May’s, with too much courage, and too little sense.
I also have a dozen hatching eggs, only one of which appears to be viable. Hence the fifteen bantam chicks arriving in the mail next week.
Right now I’ve got a serama hen. Early next week? I’ll have bantam cubalayas in two different colors, bantam Easter Eggers in goodness only knows what colors, and crele old English game bantams. Fingers crossed I get a good pullet/cockerel ratio.

As for my hobbies, I write a great deal, I crochet, I read and I like to go exploring.

About me? I’m a college student, living at home. I work in the bakery of the local supermarket, and I’m studying for my AAS in Baking, in the hopes that I can open my own bakery someday. I am also writing my debut novel. It’s a science fantasy novel about a girl who falls through a worldgate into a parallel Earth. Feel free to talk to me about it. I have a fluffy orange monstrosity of a cat named Faction Paradox. He’s a silly, sweet creature who is terrified of chickens.

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