

Jul 3, 2018
Washington State
Hi! I wanted to introduce myself and say hi to new and old members alike. I look forward to reading posts & learning a lot about our new chickens :)

1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

Our family just got chickens early this spring. While I had a few wild bantys growing up on my parents farm this is my first foray into raising tame chickens for eggs.

Initially, my husband was against the idea of having chickens until my daughter’s best friend brought us some eggs from their chickens. My husband was won over by the superior quality of the eggs and gave us the go ahead!

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? (3) what breeds do you have?

We have 13 total chickens (12 pullets & 1 cockerel) at the moment. We have:
2 Silver Laced Wyandotte
2 Buff Orpington
1 Gold Sex Link
1 Black Sex Link
1 Favaucana
5 Easter Eggers
1 Buff Orpington cockerel
Bob the cockerel is soon to be rehomed if we can’t figure out how to make him behave peaceably with the human family members.

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?
Googling information on our new chickens :)

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Sewing, crafts, gardening

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

My family consists of my husband, our daughter and myself along with an assortment of animals. 3 dogs, 4 cats, 3 horses & 13 chickens. We moved to our dream property about a year ago and have been enjoying country life!

Welcome to BYC! Are you planning on breeding your chickens and having a larger flock? If not, Bob will be an issue. Also, if Bob is ill-tempered with humans, he is going to need to go. Mean roosters (People-Aggressive) are a big problem and there really isn't a way to get the nastiness out of them. If you want to breed your hens, look for or try raising a sweet roo. Buffs are usually nice, I am sorry he is aggressive. I think the most gentle roos as far as breed goes are probably cochins.
No, we have no plans to breed our chickens. We just want to enjoy them and their eggs obviously We got Buffs on the recommendation of the chicken guy at the feed store because they were great family birds supposedly. Go figure we end up with a rooster and a mean one at that. He is very aggressive especially with our daughter. He attacked her and hit her in the face the other day. It really is too bad because he is beautiful but so far nothing I have tried has stopped him from attacking when he feels like it.
Welcome to BYC! Are you planning on breeding your chickens and having a larger flock? If not, Bob will be an issue. Also, if Bob is ill-tempered with humans, he is going to need to go. Mean roosters (People-Aggressive) are a big problem and there really isn't a way to get the nastiness out of them. If you want to breed your hens, look for or try raising a sweet roo. Buffs are usually nice, I am sorry he is aggressive. I think the most gentle roos as far as breed goes are probably cochins.
Welcome to BYC. Since you don't want to breed out a large flock don't bother with rehoming that roo. It is possible your husband might be willing to dress it out and see if that meat is better than store bought as well. If interested visit the meat bird forum on this site. My breed of birds seems to have only ill temered roos, but they are game birds so I imagine that is par for the course. Happy Chickening!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I am looking forward to learning more about our lovely birds!

Welcome to the flock! Sorry about your roo. Was your daughter okay?
Yes she was ok and had no lasting marks. It just scared her and made her afraid to go out by the chickens on her own.

Bob is going to have to go. There is a local person that takes roosters so I am going to try sending them a message. I believe they eat them which is fine with me. I just don’t particularly care to do so myself.

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