

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
Hello! I am a fairly new chicken keeper (or maybe they keep me). I have a white Amerancauna rooster named Daisy (he was supposed to be a hen), one Amerancauna hen named Daffodil, 2 Rhode Island Red pullets that I hope actually are hens (Buttercup and Blossom) One red sex link pullet (Bubbles) and another Amerancuana pullet that I also hope is a hen (I have my doubts) named Mojojojo. My daughter named them all, except for Daffodil. she loved the powerpuff girls when she was little.
I seem to come to this site whenever I have a question, so I figured I should go ahead and join.

I went back and read about what I should post so...

We live in Alabama. I got my first pullets a year ago. We started with 4, but ended up with 1 rooster and 1 hen (the others were eaten by predators). I got 4 more pullets this spring. I am married with 2 teenagers, we have 4 horses (mine is Molly), 3 cats, 1 dog and of course 6 chickens. My husband built a small chicken tractor, but we decided that it really isn't large enough to leave them in when we are gone, so he is building a larger coop for the hens. My evil rooster is now living in a bachelor pad, and actually seems happier and less manic now that his is by himself.
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Who would have thought that a 16 year old would have so much fun naming chickens. I wasn't going to name them after two of our first ones got eaten by critters, but when we went and picked them up, my girl just couldn't stand it. Had the named by the time we got home!
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