Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play



Free Ranging
5 Years
Oct 23, 2017
Hufflepuff Common Room
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It is America in the future, the year 2134. All Americans live in 156 super-cities, miles and miles of concrete jungles. In the biggest (such as New York, Washington D.C., etc.), it would take over a week to drive from side to side at the thinnest points. In this future society, the American government is... broke. It doesn't have the money to have enough machines/robots built to work in factories, build things, etc. So someone in the government comes up with an evil plan...
Everyone in America has a chip in the back of their neck, connected to their nervous system/brain. Everyone, that is, except certain bands of "revolutionaries", if you will, people who have invented clever ways to trick the system into believing they still have their chips. These revolutionaries are very clever and hard to track. The chips are installed at age 1 1/2 and kept until you pass away at exactly age 85. Completely painless, don't worry. The revolutionaries have secret locations, secretly trained surgeons that will remove the chip from people ages 5 to, well, 84. These chips are used for paying for things, personal identification, etc. All good things, I assure you. But they can also be used to track people, and for... personal identification. You can keep no secrets from the government.
The "evil plan" that I mentioned earlier is this: In America, the military will use special guns that send electrical bolts into the chips at the base of the peoples' necks, knocking them unconscious. They then will enter houses in one out of every twenty neighborhoods and take the unconscious children with them. The parents will wake up not remembering that they ever had children and will continue life as normal. No one will ask questions; just remember, it is far too easy to make people forget. The children will be transported to special facilities where they will... forget about their previous lives. There will also be a little brainwashing involved. All these children will know is their first names, their ages, and that they have a serious disease. If any sunlight touches their skin, they will get horrible rashes, EXTREMELY high grade fevers, and they will die. No doctors can save them. But the government has decided to help them, and now they live in ENORMOUS industrial warehouses in every city. But they have to work to earn their keep. This is America's new workforce.
Don't forget, though, that the Revolutionaries don't have chips.

Terms, Ranks and Details:

Revolutionaries: People who don't agree with the control and power of the Elder. They don't have chips.

The Elder: The "king," essentially, of America. (One place open, PM me with charrie.)

The Guardian: The military leader of America. (One place open, PM me with charrie.)

The Pupils: Advisers to the Elder. (Five places open, PM me with charrie.)

The Guides: Local leaders of each supercity (156 positions open.)

If you are a factory worker, put, "Factory Worker" under Rank/Job. If you aren't, put any random, boring job. If you are a Revolutionary, put a random, boring job/Revolutionary. The storyline begins five years after the night the kidnapping took place, and in that time the government has started doing experimentation on the children. Therefore, if your character is a factory worker, they can have animal-like features or be cyborgs.

Character Form:


@Fanci Feathers Marans
@CP Chicken

Have FUN! Chat thread link here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/hiding-from-sunlight-the-chat-thread.1215396/
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Name: Misty
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Description: A tall slim long-legged girl with long golden blonde hair with sidebangs gray blue eyes with gold flecks
Personality: Brash, Fiery, Fast, Stealthy, Manipulative, Easily angered
History: Used to be an government mindless slave but Grant went in a facility where she worked and rescued her they both fell in love and now are on the run off to find the Revolutionaries (Will come up with a more deep backstory later :p)
Rank/Job: Rouge
Other: Is Catholic, BF is Grant
Username: MysticChickens04

Name: Grant
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Description: A tall teen boy with short shaggy spiky pitch black hair and blood red eyes
Personality: Cold, Calm, Bitter, Harsh, Only shows his true self to Misty
History: Was born outside the reach of the government and grew up alone he was taught how to remove chips from people by someone unknown. Eventually while walking the streets he saw a beautiful girl working like a robot in a facility under the cover of darkness he snuck in and rescued her taking his time to get the chip out of Misty's neck, They both fell in love and now are on the run trying to find others like them
Rank/Job: Rouge
Other: Has no religion but is being persuaded to convert by Misty GF is Misty
Username: MysticChickens04
Accepted, @MysticChickens04!

Name: Wren
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Description: Tan from the sun, green eyes, LONG, thick honey-brown hair that she keeps in one wide braid, short at 5'4", graceful and thin. Tough from living on the streets. Wears soft dresses with leggings.
Personality: Sweet, cautious, kinda shy, loyal.
History: She was nine when the attack came. Her parents had recently learned about the true uses of the chips. They valued their children's safety over their own, but the were going to get their chips removed one by one as to not arouse suspicion. they had only removed Wren's chip when the attack came. She survived and hid when the military came to collect her twin sister. When her parents didn't recognize her and called the police, she managed to escape and has been surviving on the streets ever since. For some reason she's been drawn to the big "empty" warehouses nearby...
Rank/Job: None.
Other: She still goes and watches her parents occasionally, but has given up hope of them ever remembering her. Her favorite color is sky blue.
Username: @Thing2LovesChickens
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Name: 2913, nicknamed 'Squid'
Gender: male
Age: 13
Description: pale as a ghost and poor as a snake. Grey eyes, dirty-blonde hair, and is missing his right pinkie finger.
Personality: withdrawn and quiet. Imagines dragons during work. Somehow finds inspiration in the mundane. Always looks for the good in people.
History: Like everyone else in the factory, he was stolen from his parents and implanted with a chip. He was also experimented on, though he doesn't like to talk about it. The lab work resulted in fusing his DNA with a cuttlefish. This allows him to change his skin color and texture.
Rank/Job: Factory worker
Other: his shoes are too small...
Username: @Fanci Feathers Marans
Name: 2913, nicknamed 'Squid'
Gender: male
Age: 13
Description: pale as a ghost and poor as a snake. Grey eyes, dirty-blonde hair, and is missing his right pinkie finger.
Personality: withdrawn and quiet. Imagines dragons during work. Somehow finds inspiration in the mundane. Always looks for the good in people.
History: Like everyone else in the factory, he was stolen from his parents and implanted with a chip. He was also experimented on, though he doesn't like to talk about it. The lab work resulted in fusing his DNA with a cuttlefish. This allows him to change his skin color and texture.
Rank/Job: Factory worker
Other: his shoes are too small...
Username: @Fanci Feathers Marans

(Accepted! I like him!)

If your character formerly was a factory worker can they still have abilities?


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