
8 Years
Oct 27, 2012
I went out to close up to Coop and made a discovery, that Softy the CoChin was not present! After obtaining a Flashlight I lookt under the Busshes for her where she hides during the Day, finding Nothing. Fearing her lost on account of my free Ranging, and surmizing they this the Cause of their late Skittishness, I repaired to the Coop. Petting the rest of the Flock, including little white One, a broody banntamm CoChin, my Light disclosed her IN A NEST BOX, WHERE THEY USUALLY LAY EGGS!

I am not trying to be mean or negative, i just don't understand the point of this post.

My hens sleep in their nest boxes all the time.
I had the same issues, my chickens were sleeping in the nest boxes. I had to cleaned up everyday the boxes and picking up the eggs in their crap was not really cool...

I was told to put their roosting bar higher than their nest boxes and that is what i did. Some of them when up immediately to roost for the night and i had to put the others on the roosting bar at night. It took 3 or 4 nights before all the chickens went up on thir own on the roosting bar.

Since that, i got clean nest boxes and feather-balls on a roost at night!
I have a hen that has been in the roost box for almost a day and half and I don't think she's moved out of it. I check the chickens at least twice a day and she's been in there all day yesterday and the previous night. Should I be concerned?

I am not trying to be mean or negative, i just don't understand the point of this post.

My hens sleep in their nest boxes all the time.

They shouldn't they poo in there at night. Not good for eggs for eating. If they are regularly sleeping in the nest boxes they arent liking the perches for some reason. Nest boxes should be lower than the perches this will encourage the hens to roost up higher.

Usually a hen that settles in a nest box with one or two eggs is trying to go broody. You will be able to tell. The get flat almost pancake like and dreamy eyed and Growl if you come near or other hens come near.

Deb explained it well, it must be broody. what is that? I'm not sure of the age of our chickens. My husband got 10 at an auction, we knew they were young but not the exact age. Then I got another 7 from my cousin and I'm not sure on their ages either. this is our first "bunny hunt" with chickens. I think we are doing ok, we've been getting 6-7 eggs per day but today we got 11! I was just concerned about the one hen in the nesting box.
So what is a broody hen?
Deb explained it well, it must be broody. what is that? I'm not sure of the age of our chickens. My husband got 10 at an auction, we knew they were young but not the exact age. Then I got another 7 from my cousin and I'm not sure on their ages either. this is our first "bunny hunt" with chickens. I think we are doing ok, we've been getting 6-7 eggs per day but today we got 11! I was just concerned about the one hen in the nesting box.
So what is a broody hen?

Sorry a Broody hen. Thats what they call it when a hen decides to sit on eggs and hatch them. They get broody and stop laying eggs after about a week. Then they will only get off the nest only to eat drink Poo and take a dust bath..... All in about fifteen minutes. Then she hurries back to the nest and settles in. This will go on for 21 days give or take. Till the chicks hatch. Some hens will go Broody even if there is no Roo for fertilized eggs. And even some hens will go broody on golf balls if that's all she has.

But the key things to watch for:
she will set and not want to get off the nest
she may pull feathers out on her breast (to make more skin contact with the eggs)
she will get a far off look and even if she is normally a sweet hen she may growl and peck at you and the other hens to keep everyone away.

Breeds of chickens known to go broody:
Game or part
Buff Orphinton

They are soo much better than having to hatch with an incubator then brood the chicks up in a Brooder then have to introduce the chicks to the flock at a certain age. Broody hens will do all that including turning the eggs adjusting the temperature and humidity in the nest. They will even go on Lock down at day 19 or so hunkering down flat and not getting off for three days. They will teach the chicks to eat drink and defend them with their lives if necessary. Nothing sweeter than a hen with chicks.


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