History: Nuclear Landmines Kept Warm by Chickens

Andy Wayne

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Designed as a way of deterring and stopping a Soviet invasion of Germany in the aftermath of World War II, Project Blue Peacock involved seeding the North German Plain with nuclear landmines. But the mines had to be kept warm to prevent spontaneous detonation, and British engineers devised a bizarre way to do it: chickens.

Chicken coops would be set up over the mines, and the body heat from the chickens would provide the needed warmth to prevent the mines from going off and turning half of Germany into a dead zone. But the scheme had a number of problems, the least of which is that the chickens wouldn't live long, and it was never implemented.
In fact, much of the history of the Cold War is still hidden in secret documents. Which are not disclosed. About the fact that there is a burial of atomic bombs in the United States https://graduateway.com/essay-examples/atomic-bomb/ I read about it here. It turns out that this hidden story could undermine the credibility of the US government over other countries. Many facts are already known in Europe or the Middle East. But in the USA it will not get into textbooks in any case.
This is interesting. I went to the link but it shows dozens of articles. A search for "burial" turned up nothing. Do you recall the title or address of the article? Even a full Web Search on "burial of atomic bombs in the United States" turns up nothing relevant now.

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