Hiya! New Member with a lot of Questions!

You can also post on your state thread. Someone there may be able to help you or interpret the rules. Just put state name in search box and it will pop up.
Enjoy this great site and amazing learning centers, along with a really nice community and very helpful members! Have much success in raising your flock!
I've found my town's PDF file on zoning laws, however, I'm not sure how to interpret the information in the file. It doesn't say if they're allowed or if they're not allowed so... I'm kind of confused! Hahaa.
I too live in Vernon and am interested in starting a BYC coop. I also just spent two hours going through the zoning laws and got nothing other that chickens are poultry. We in Connecticut do not have the county system anymore as the state abolished it a few years back. I am afraid to call town hall as I do not want prying eyes on my property. Nothing illeage, just seems like every time the are here they find something else that I need to spend money on.....

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