

May 18, 2015
We are going away thursday afternoon to sunday afternoon and I have a few questions. My 3 wyandotte chicks are currently 3-4weeks old in a brooder size of 1.5sq feet per bird.. I feed fermented feed 3x a day (7am, 12 and 4pm) the people who are coming to look after the animals will only come 2x a day at different times sometimes maybe not until its dark should i just get them to fill the chicks bowl with dry feed and top up at night? Although my chicks are on a day/night cycle i do hear them feeding couple times at night bowl is normally empty again by morning i think they get woken up wen the baby wakes over night lol.

Also they wont be able to go to there outdoor pen during the day for a 2hr romp as no one will be home oviously and i dont want to leave them out there yet as its just a temporary pen and i dont trust our dogs with them yet. Will they be alright what can i do to prevent boredom? They will get there outting on thursday but then not again until monday.. They do get a tray of dirt which i refresh daily as they kick it out through there bedding etc but i dont see my mother in law wanting to dig in the garden for dirt daily either.. Will they get bored being alone all day for 3 days except when in laws feed them twice? Im a first time chick mum so naybe im over thinking things
It's nice to have family willing to come check on your chicks for you. I think it would be easier to just use dry chick feed while you are out of town. That way they probably wouldn't run out of food over night. That's my opinion. Have a great holiday!
We are going away thursday afternoon to sunday afternoon and I have a few questions. My 3 wyandotte chicks are currently 3-4weeks old in a brooder size of 1.5sq feet per bird.. I feed fermented feed 3x a day (7am, 12 and 4pm) the people who are coming to look after the animals will only come 2x a day at different times sometimes maybe not until its dark should i just get them to fill the chicks bowl with dry feed and top up at night? Although my chicks are on a day/night cycle i do hear them feeding couple times at night bowl is normally empty again by morning i think they get woken up wen the baby wakes over night lol.

Also they wont be able to go to there outdoor pen during the day for a 2hr romp as no one will be home oviously and i dont want to leave them out there yet as its just a temporary pen and i dont trust our dogs with them yet. Will they be alright what can i do to prevent boredom? They will get there outting on thursday but then not again until monday.. They do get a tray of dirt which i refresh daily as they kick it out through there bedding etc but i dont see my mother in law wanting to dig in the garden for dirt daily either.. Will they get bored being alone all day for 3 days except when in laws feed them twice? Im a first time chick mum so naybe im over thinking things

They'll be fine. I would switch them to dry food. What about the water, though? Do they have a nipple waterer?
If you don't have them you can put some roosts in the brooder. That gives them some entertainment. And your MIL could sprinkle some food around the brooder for them to dig for. And maybe some greens to pick apart...
They'll be fine. I would switch them to dry food. What about the water, though? Do they have a nipple waterer?
If you don't have them you can put some roosts in the brooder. That gives them some entertainment. And your MIL could sprinkle some food around the brooder for them to dig for. And maybe some greens to pick apart...

They have a 600ml waterer that i will get her to refill daily.. They have a roost.. Yes ill get them some greens from garden and store in fridge she can put some in each day.

Also if you put sour dough in fridge it stops fermenting then when you take it out it starts again would that be the same for my fermented feed?
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I don't use fermented food. So I'm not an expert but it seems to me putting it in the fridge would slow the fermentation.
My bigger concern is this: have you weaned them off heat? At this age, especially if they are inside, they most likely don't need heat. If you still have them on heat, I'd be concerned about them being overheated. Can you put them in a room where there's good light from a window so they will have natural day/night cycles? If you do have them on heat, try turning it off for 3 - 4 hours at a time, only turn it back on if they TELL you they are cold.

BTW, your FF will be fine in the fridge. You might have your inlaws give them some FF in the morning AND top off a bowl of dry.
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My bigger concern is this:  have you weaned them off heat?  At this age, especially if they are inside, they most likely don't need heat.  If you still have them on heat, I'd be concerned about them being overheated.  Can you put them in a room where there's good light from a window so they will have natural day/night cycles?  If you do have them on heat, try turning it off for 3 - 4 hours at a time, only turn it back on if they TELL you they are cold.  

BTW, your FF will be fine in the fridge.  You might have your inlaws give them some FF in the morning AND top off a bowl of dry.

No there not weaned off heat yet but i use a 50watt heat emitter rather than a light so they have a day/night cycle..i mentioned this in another thread asking about the best way to wean them off heat.. Currently the bulb is as far back as i can possibly make it but brooder durectly under still sits at around 29C.. We are currently in winter here in Australia inside temps in morning are around 18-19C (64-68F) so outside would be cooler again.. On warm sunny days they go outside during the day for an 1hr or 2..maybe i should start turning it off during the day?
Im confused because the threads ive read say they should be fully feathered before completely removing heat source?

The front chick has the most feathers
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No there not weaned off heat yet but i use a 50watt heat emitter rather than a light so they have a day/night cycle..i mentioned this in another thread asking about the best way to wean them off heat.. Currently the bulb is as far back as i can possibly make it but brooder durectly under still sits at around 29C.. We are currently in winter here in Australia inside temps in morning are around 18-19C (64-68F) so outside would be cooler again.. On warm sunny days they go outside during the day for an 1hr or 2..maybe i should start turning it off during the day?
Im confused because the threads ive read say they should be fully feathered before completely removing heat source?

The front chick has the most feathers
Your chicks are feathered enough that they don't need heat, especially inside. I'd try to get them completely off heat before you leave on Thursday. Many of us are finding that chicks need far less heat than is recommended by so called experts. And they thrive with less heat. Look at it this way: Mama broody has her babies running around in the spring (within 48 hours of hatching) , no matter what the temp. It may be 40* F and her babies are trucking along behind her, gobbling every morsel in their path. They only duck under her for a quick warm up occasionally.

Check out this article for "next time".
Your chicks are feathered enough that they don't need heat, especially inside.  I'd try to get them completely off heat before you leave on Thursday.  Many of us are finding that chicks need far less heat than is recommended by so called experts.  And they thrive with less heat.  Look at it this way:  Mama broody has her babies running around in the spring (within 48 hours of hatching) , no matter what the temp.  It may be 40* F and her babies are trucking along behind her, gobbling every morsel in their path.  They only duck under her for a quick warm up occasionally.  

Check out this article for "next time".

We leave tomorrow should i just leave heat off during the day and back on at night then while we are away??

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