Home Grown Chickens (A Chickens Life)

Thanks! Congrats on getting your EE's
Update Number Seven

It was the chicks first snow on the cold November day. All of the chicks were puzzled at this white, cold, powder. Although it was very strange at first, all of the babies soon forgot about it. The snow didn’t once bother chickadee of course.

The babies have grown a little. They don’t seem to grow or mature as fast as I thought they would. They have grown lots of feathers (almost fully feathered now) but not very much in stature. One of the chicks did a squat when I picked her up. I tried that with several more chicks, and most of them did it! I’m glad that I’ll have mostly hens. I’ve been also noticing that there is one particular chick that is very different from the others. Out of two batches of chicks, this one really stands out. She is the only chick that has a black crest. I have decided to name her Speckles because of her many black spots.

Chickadee is doing well. She doesn’t really coddle her chicks like she did when they were smaller. Even though it still is a long ways away, she is slowly starting to wean her chicks. Her and her babies all sleep together still.

Life for everyone is great!

Poor Speckles giving me a "stink eye" because she has to wait in the snow for the picture.

Wow!! What a shake, Chickadee!

Heres a cute caramel colored chick. They certainly have their mothers tail!

Heres a group picture.

Every kid has fun in the snow!
I love the snow pics they are too cute!
Your chicks sure have grown!
We still haven't gotten any snow but its COLD ( for my standreds anyway lol
) What dose it mean if they squat? I like Speckles, do you think she could be a older phoenix

Jets an hansome bird.

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