Home made laundry soap?

Good idea with the apples and cinnamon. Essential oils are expensive but I have them for my soap business and use them for scenting the house too.

I'll try the fan thing.
Liquid soap or body wash is made with Potassium Hydroxide while bar soap is made with Sodium Hydroxide. PM me if you would like me to help you out with this.

You can not make soap without sodium hydroxide (or potassium hydroxide) it's impossible. I warn anyone wanting to make their own soap from scratch to be very very very careful. Lye burns HURT like a blank!

Laundry detergent is very easy to make...soap from scratch...an entire different ballpark.

jmk3482, Like I said before feel free to PM or email me with any questions.
have you tried the Soaps gone buy website, I bought some really nice soap there.My skin is very dry so i have to be very careful what i use to, Also you might try Rite Aid drug store for some soap. I like the one made from olive oil.and it does'n dry my skin. Also you can look them up on the RiteAid website to see what kind of soap they have and save atrip tothe store with the price of gas what it is. marrie
I had a horriblle time finding washing soda. I ended up getting it at Albertsons (Grocery Store) I bought everything they had on the shelf. I tried ATLEAST 10 stores. I wanted to scream!!!
I know the feeling. I can't find washing soda any where. I have to have my sister get in her area and get it from her. I have asked many stores to get and none will. It is so fustrating to me. I have no choice but to make my own. My daughter breaks out with a rash with all store bought laundry soaps

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