home remedies to boost immune systems


12 Years
Jan 28, 2012
Near Austin, TX
Someone please tell me, in detail, how to use garlic and any other home remedies to help build up the immune system of chickens.

On a different topic, has anyone ever heard of chickens having allergies to cedar??
I chop garlic into tiny pieces and mix into their treats, I usually put in 1/2 clove of finely chopped for each chicken several times a week.
Organic Apple cider vinegar(has to be organic to have the "mother in it")- I have been mostly mixing and coating treats last few days with it instead of putting in there water since they drink more water without it in there, well at least for my chickens. If you are going to put it in water use plastic not metal. I read 4.5 -8.5 tsp per gallon to inhibit any algae growth. And here is an excellent link about probiotics for you and your chickens. Hope that helps.


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