homemade bucket waterer


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Ok so I made a waterer by nailing some holes along the side on the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket. Then I put it in a large cake pan on top of a cinder block to keep it clean. Put the lid on and the water runs out all at once. Found a small hole along the edge that the lid didnt cover so I found a bucket that was in perfect shape and tried it I can hear the suction on the bucket, the lid is on securely, but the water just keeps on running. What can I do?
Ok so I made a waterer by nailing some holes along the side on the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket. Then I put it in a large cake pan on top of a cinder block to keep it clean. Put the lid on and the water runs out all at once. Found a small hole along the edge that the lid didnt cover so I found a bucket that was in perfect shape and tried it I can hear the suction on the bucket, the lid is on securely, but the water just keeps on running. What can I do?
You have to form a vacuum. If the water is running out, your seal isn't solid. I've done a lot of experimenting with buckets and bottles. To get a really good seal the best way is with a gasket and a lid that screws tight, not a lid that snaps into place.
Ok thanks! Anyway to make one myself or where could I buy one as cheap as possible? On a budget and raising chickens to save money. Thanks again!
Ok thanks! Anyway to make one myself or where could I buy one as cheap as possible? On a budget and raising chickens to save money. Thanks again!
The buckets with screw top lids are very pricey from what I've seen. They are mostly food grade long term storage type buckets and are very very nice, but not cheap.
Thank you! I was thinkong of somwthing like this but didnt know they made horizontal ones! Now my question is will the birds know what to do?
I just built two waterers with Nipples but didn't make it horizontal. I installed 3 on the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket for the yard and 2 onto the bottom of a 1gal OJ bottle for the coop. I hung it and them being as curious as they are, I just touched the metal end and they bit at it, water came out and they drank. That simple. Chicks are about 6 weeks old.
I suggest that you search here on BYC and see what users say about horizontal nipples.
The best thing since sliced bread! LOL
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