Homemade chick starter

Honestly, I'm a little peeved at your feed store on your behalf. They should be offering to order more if you're offering to buy it.

Even offer to "pre-pay" ...

If local doesn't want to supply ... just plan a trip to "town" ... stock up a month or two of feed ... if you need to "justify" your trip, just go shopping at a store you don't have local, or go out to eat ... yesterday I drove 100 miles one way to my dentist ... while in Tucson ... I did spend some other money since I was there ... just make a list.
Looks like I will be making a trip for feed. The feed store will not order the 50lb bags for me :mad:

Well if it is any consolation ... the money savings from buying in 50 pound bags will pay for your gas ... call around, you may even get a discount if you buy 10 bags at a time ... just make sure your getting "fresh" milled feed ... under 6 weeks old at max!

Not know what kind of chickens your getting ...

Here is a guesstimate of how much they are gonna eat ...

Layers ... https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/how-much-do-chicks-eat-from-day-1-to-16-weeks.471029/

Various types ... https://www.nutrenaworld.com/blog/how-much-does-a-chicken-eat

Meat/broiler ... https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/how-much-feed-do-you-give-your-meat-birds.748627/
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Well if it is any consolation ... the money savings from buying in 50 pound bags will pay for your gas ... call around, you may even get a discount if you buy 10 bags at a time ... just make sure your getting "fresh" milled feed ... under 6 weeks old at max!

Not know what kind of chickens your getting ...

Here is a guesstimate of how much they are gonna eat ...

Layers ... https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/how-much-do-chicks-eat-from-day-1-to-16-weeks.471029/

Various types ... https://www.nutrenaworld.com/blog/how-much-does-a-chicken-eat

Meat/broiler ... https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/how-much-feed-do-you-give-your-meat-birds.748627/
Im getting the Hatchery surprise box from crackle hatchery, and hatching out of my on chickens and some breeders around me. I will be setting about 60 to 70 eggs. With the box I take the chance of ducks, Turkey's, geese and guinea + at least 40 to 50 chicks of different breeds. I'm not trying to count my chicks before they hatch but I also want to be prepared.
Looks like I will be making a trip for feed. The feed store will not order the 50lb bags for me :mad:
My local feed store is the same and it is a shame.
They are 10 minutes from my house. They only carry 2 kinds of feed and it is usually old. They won't special order anything. I went in 5 years ago to get some vitamins. The packages had expired 2 years earlier. I told them about it and they said, "OK". Those packages are still on the shelf today. They just wait for some unsuspecting customer to buy old crap - overpriced at that.
They act like an old time feed store (which they are) they don't care about anything that I can see. I wanted to grow some fodder. I asked if they had feed grade barley, not seed grade. They sold me a bag they said they ordered for a guy brewing beer but he didn't buy it. I got it home and it was for seed, not feed. On the bag was printed that it contained fungicides and insecticides. They had to know that but were willing to sell it go a guy making beer or a guy feeding it to animals. No wonder the brewer didn't take it.
So instead of going to this conveniently located feed store, I literally have to go to another state to buy my feed. Granted, it isn't an hour one way but it is about 40 minutes so rather than Buying feed a 30 minute endeavor, it is 2 hours.
OK, I'm done venting.
Hahaha I love how chicken crazy everyone is here. I'm rearranging furniture to fill my kitchen with brooders and that's totally not that weird here.
Yes it is a safe, cozy, friendly place to be crazy.
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