Homemade flock block recipes

Oh my that would give me so much guilt for the rotisserie chicken I get from the market.

To stay on topic. My neighborhood store has 50lb bags for wild birdseed for 2.00 per bag. I might buy a few and try this.
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I've been having feather plucking/pecking problems, perhaps related to boredom, so I bought a commercial flock block at the feed store today.

It was $12 and it is fairly substantial. Molasses is one of the primary ingredients, for those who asked whether molasses could be used.

We will see how they like it and how long it lasts. Til you buy the ingredients and pay for heating the oven, the cost might not be so much. When I heard about these, I was envisioning something the size of a suet cake. It is more like the size of a salt-lick block.
crock pot flock block is my new favorite phrase ever.

For the flock block pro's out there, any idea if ants and other bugs are drawn to the flock block? I'd be worried about leaving a big hunk o' molasses-laden food out all the time.
I used egg instead of molasses to bind my block together. It was gone before the ants even knew it was there.
Just a thought....has anyone tried to place a thick wire or something in the cake prior to baking so you could hang it up? That may help keep ants away i'd think....
I saw the flock blocks on sale cheap at the Wilco near me but I only have 4 OEGB and 1 silky so I figured it would just take too long for them to eat one of those and we'd get bugs. Making my own would be great that way I could make smaller sizes. Thanks for another great idea.

Okay I am scratching my way through how to post and all. Just getting my profile up and my pictures file sizes are too big. So I am posting anyway. I recently got a Flock Block for my ladies to keep them busy when they have to stay in their play pen. They get to free range when I am home but when I am not they have a nice area to run, play and do their chicken games. I have not given it to them because it states the block is for 18 weeks and older. I have 3 girls that are about 13 weeks. I don't see or can't figure out what would be in it to harm them. Any wisdom would be greatly accepted. I know they would love to pick it apart and a few may sit on it for fun. Thanks!!! This chicken stuff is fun.
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If they have access to grit, and don't have the block as a major source of their daily feed I'd think it is OK at their age. I think one of the concerns is that it should be more of a treat than feed....

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