Homemade flock block recipes

based on some of the threads i have read in here ....i made a flock block last night , i used corn , sunflower seed , and a little wild bird food , and used bacon grease as a binder !!!!
I thought you could buy a flock block at TSC-----maybe I just thought I saw them there?

Oops-----guess I totally missed the fact that this was about homemade flock block. Sorry.
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Hen_House_Rocks! :

I was reading all these posts this morning. Since it was raining today and the chooks were cooped up, thought I'd give it a try. I cooked mine for 20 min in the microwave and it burned. Now my house smells like stinky burnt popcorn!! Yuck! I'll give it another try later...

Perhaps I should have read this BEFORE I did mine. I smoked my house up real good and had to explain to the alarm company (that also monitors our smoke detectors) that I was "cooking" for my "chickens" and burned it big time.

Ooops... made a lot, trying again.

I haven't been on BYC for many months, but wanted to give this update--
I got frustrated with making the bird blocks, especially with using birdseed--the millet is a PITA. I've started making them again using my own scratch mix which has corn, wheat, sunflower seed, dried peas, and oat groats, and this mixture is a LOT easier to work with (with the unflavored gelatin). I've been making them in a muffin tin, but I think I'm going to upsize them. No need to bake anything, just let them set up and dry out.

If you make these, you HAVE to try one of those hanging bird feeders, it is just too funny to watch them. (You can also buy the seed bells and just hang them, make them jump a little. One of mine hangs over a roost, so the chicken on the roost pecks at it, and the others scurry around underneath looking for anything that drops off. It keeps them busy for hours, and great entertainment for humans also.
I didn't read the earlier post about fruitcake... just this one. I wonder if a person were to slice it up, wet it, and throw it in the mix as a binder, as some do with bread? ... if that would work?

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