Homemade flock block recipes

Here's a pic of my first attempt at baking a forage cake...
I will add peanut butter on the top for icing

I'm gona make a flock block too. It's for my rooster en two nine week old chicks. And a tiny one for my 2 and a half week old chick.
It wil have scratch in it and some bread and i have some dried crandberry's, some raisins. And some sunflower seeds, pumpkinseeds, pineseeds and whatever else i will find. Hmm maybe some cooked mealworms too (i breed them so they are alive).
I post all ingredients and how to when i'm done.
To hang it i'll bake a piece of string in it with a knot at the bottom.
Will make pictures of how i do that.
On I cant wait to get home and try one of these! I am a good cook and this will blown my wife's mind when she asks what I am cooking and I tell her - "I am baking a cake for the girls"!

Thanks for the recipes!
I did a really simple one the other day. I took 2 tbs peanut butter and mixed it with about 1.5 cups oatmeal and then rolled it in their starter crumbles. I had a baby cake that we had bought them and I kept the stick and hanger it had been molded to and formed my mixture on it and put it in the brooder! They LOVED it. I will not make those alot becuz of salt content in the peanut butter. Don't think that's to good for them? But it was an easy and quick treat for them.
out of curiosity, has anyone ever mixed hemp seed into their cakes?
hemp seeds are VERY high in protein, have all nessacary amino and fatty acids for humans and are a good source of omega 3, 6 and 9
plus they are popular in some bird feeds
given all this, i would assume they would be very good for some chickens too
but if my girls got any, it would definately only be leftovers:) or some wettened hemp bread in their cake...
Just made my flock balls. I put in: a cup of sunflower seeds, a cup of scratch, a cup of birdseeds, half a cup of dried vlokreeftjes, half a cup polentaflower, half a cup of fijne polentaflower, a cup of flower, half a cup to a cup of water.
Put all the dry stuff in a bowl and mix it.
Put the water in bit by bit until you get a sticky mess.
Form balls the size you like. I made mine to fit a muffinplate.
Now i am going to put them in the oven, about an hour on 300.
When they come out i'll post a picture.
The next time i'll show how to make a block with a string to hang it.
The flock balls just out of the oven.
They are rock hard.

I made hard cookies for my rats and mice so i have had some experiance. The balls get real hard because i use some flower. This is what binds the seeds and it makes it hard.
In the photo you see that the balls are very light in color, this because i didn't use any sugar, malasses or honey. The bigger you make them the loger they have to bake. You can make them every way you like. I'll put some recipe's on my site in englisch with a how to with it. Click on recipe in the left kolom and i'll put them there. If there are any questions you can always send me an email.
Every body have fun cooking and baking for your chickens.
I know i do.

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