homemade plucker that doesn't spew feathers all over


14 Years
Feb 17, 2009
North Georgia
Are there any options of plans besides either the drill bit attached or barrel type whiz bang plucker.... that is sorta like an easy drill bit type atttached one, or one on a pulley that doesn't just flip feathers all over you? something that maybe is portable with some kind of shield? I won't be doing chickens , but other fowl and seems I have only found the big barrel whizbang type or the drill bit or small one on a pulley without a shield .... be interested in being directed to a video, plans or pics of one.
I don't remember what they were called but there were pluckers that I believe we're mainly used on ducks which were somewhat like the drill mounted plucker but threw the majority of feathers down into a barrel. I saw a couple variations of this online recently, be darned if I remember the names try searching Google for duck or waterfowl pluckers it may come up
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http://thefowlplucker.com/ I think you mean this.... neat, but I am looking for a homeade plan.... also this is for smaller birds than mine... and don't want to spend hundreds for my culls... so if anyone has made something like this ,it would be cool to see pics

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