Homemade push it forward chain

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maybe my mail carrier ate mine because we never did get it.
I didn't have time to put in some new ones...when those brown leghorns get laying again I'm still wanting some
I just made some new soap with a different oatmeal blend my dh and son say they really like..it has the same goat milk soap as you have been getting from me.
Glad you like it!
I GOT MY JAMS!! Yay! I'm so excited! These are Christmas presents for my husband and daughter. As a little something extra, Karen threw in a Root Beer jam - a favorite soft drink in our family.


Have you tried your jams?
Hope you liked them...they are unique
Guidelines for the Chickenstocks, Shows and Meetups area of the forum:

The purposes of this forum are:
(a) to post information about, plans for and results of Chickenstocks,
(b) to post information about, plans for and results from poultry shows, and
(c) to post information about, plans for and results of swap meets held face-to-face outside of BYC.

The BYC Staff would like to remind everyone that sales, swaps, trades and other online transactions of animals and other property in this area of the forum will be closed and/or deleted. Online transactions, including want ads, should be posted in the correct area of the Buy ~ Sell ~ Auction section of the forum.

If you are unsure if a topic fits in this area, feel free to PM a Staff member to ask first. We want to keep all online transactions in the Buy ~ Sell ~ Auction area of the forum to allow our members access to the buyer and seller feedback tools. This should result in a safer, more organized online sales experience for all of our members.

Thank you very much for understanding.​
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