Hooray! Girl Leaves Westboro But Still Tragic What They Teach Children

Agreed Katy. I live in the KC area and we are always hearing about this nut-job.

I do NOT condone violence, but I am very surprise that no one has tried to take this guy out yet. I mean seriously, it wouldn't take much for a emotional mentally upset mourner to flip out at the protesters. You know?
*shudder* It doesn't matter what century you look at there are always zealots that have more fun pointing at others than looking inward. I particularly liked the clips of their church... they make the women cover their hair for modesty's sake... while they flaunt their cleavage and arms in tank tops... REALLY? That makes sense in your world?

Seriously, if you think that America is hated by god and that the whole place is completely unredeemable then why the heck are you living here? Raising your children here? Risking being corrupted here? Why don't you do yourself (and coincidentally us too) a favor and move to Iran where religion, rather than sense, rules.
If they relocated to a country where groups like them run rampant they will most likely end up dead, which perhaps unfortunately they know - don't think the world would hurt losing some people to their own medicine. Also there's nowhere in the world they will be happy, these people have extreme issues to be so negatively extreme. Best thing we can do is keep the innocent safe, keep them under control, and let them run themselves into the ground.
That is messed up. Completely messed up. And Im thinking of another word. How can they do that at funerals? Did you see those mourners crying? And they think we are going to h*ll? Those people died for them and they torment their families by rejoicing they're deaths? Thats messed up (other word). They need to be arrested. That seven year old told him that he was going to h*ll. What are they teaching those kids? Good for You Lauren. Good for You.
I hope she finds replacement family to support her. They really are a sick group. I listened to one named Shellie I think on the news and it was sick. Literally your mind just cannot wrap around what she is saying, its that distorted. Poor little kids growing up in that. Poor babies.
What they are doing to their children breaks my heart. I want to gather up those kids and teach them not to hate.
i hate to say it but someone is going to have enough of these folks and do something about it.

if my son died defending our country and these jokers showed up at the funeral to protest, we would have a problem.
That is just crazy scary. I don't get it. How can God hate anyone? Where does it say that in the bible? I thought hatred was a sin? Wow!

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