Hoover Hatchery order :-)

I'm sorry to hear about your chicks. I saw the Calico princess chicks at our local Cal Ranch store and they were cute, but the sales clerk didn't know much about them either. From the hatchery description, they sound like a good egg layer. Keep us posted on what you learn about them.
Sorry for your lost.
Did they just get weaker and weaker and finally died without symptoms of sickness? Karen
We got some from Tractor Supply 3 days ago, one day immediately... I mean like immediately. We brought it home, set them up like we always do and a few hours later it was dead. We had gotten 5, I only wanted 4 but there were only 5 left and I couldn' leave the lil girl alone, well the other 4 seemed ok. Then yesterday one started doing the distressed chirp. I noticed it was acting weak. So I pulled it seperate and gave it some sugar water. It seemed to pick up some but was still off. I spent all day yesterday making sure it was getting food and drink, I was having to move it to the feeders. This morning again it seemed slightly stronger but I still made the run to town to get some electrolytes and probiotics. I've been keeping my eye on her all day, and although she is noticeably smaller than the others she is back to acting normal. I really hope there isn't an issue with the breed. You'll have to keep everyone updated on how your new chicks do.
When chicks hatch, they have a low energy reserve. Unfortunately it can be up to 3 days before they get quality nutrition at their new homes. Now they can live on the yolk sac for this time....but..... The yolk sac is biologically reserved for the development of the G.I. tract and the mylenation of the muscles.
The chicks' G.I. tract goes thru tremendous development the first week of life.
So the chick is using the nutrition to develop as energy to live.
Plus it is trying to deal with the stress of travel at the same time.
What it needs when it reaches you is quick energy that doesn't need to be digested. That can bypass the stressed G.I . Tract and provide quick energy to jumpstart the GI tract and also the immune system.
Poultry Nutridrench.
Give each chick on arrival, one drop only by mouth. If needy, repeat every 8 to 10 hours until perky.
Put 1 and 1 half teaspoons in a one Quart waterer for the next week while they adjust to their new home.
No need for electrolytes. Do not add anything to the water except the Drench.
Best regards,
My neighbor ordered Sapphire Gems, Calico Princess and Isa Browns from Hoover’s. They came last week in the smallest box I’ve ever seen chicks shipped in. Half died. The Sapphires seemed the hardiest...
We ordered 17 chicks from Hoover on Feb 28th and they all arrived healthy and happy on March 1. They made it from Minnesota to California during a cold snap. 14 of them are sapphire gems, 3 cuckoo marans. All are still alive and growing like weeds.

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