Hoping not a Rhode Island Rooster


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
I got this chicken from the local markets so not properly sexed. They said it was a Rhode Island Red hen but as its gotten older I'm starting to think otherwise. Its quite tall compared to my commercial black but I believe RIR's are larger....anyway your opinions are appreciated



Sorry you ended up with a roo. This same thing happened to me. I gave two beautiful roos to a co-worker of mine for breeding, and he gave me what was supposed to be a marans/cross pullet. I kept telling him a couple weeks later that it was a roo----it was sparring with one of my very young roos. He said "Oh, I'm positive it's a hen---is it crowing yet?" Well, it wasn't, but I still wasn't convinced. He offered to go ahead and take it back to exchange it for a hen, but said to just wait awhile and see if it started crowing. (He was acting like I was a silly woman and didn't know what I was talking about.) I kept waiting for it to crow, and had resolved myself to having an extra roo-----I didn't want to waste my time arguing with a co-worker. Last week, my other roos killed him when I was at work. It was definately a roo, and never crowed once! Sad story, but next time I'll trust my own instincts----I should have just taken him back and gotten a different hen when I had the chance to.
Rhode Island Reds come in bith single & rose combed varieties. BTW: a RI Red female should have black tail feathers. This is a cockerel though.
Wrong comb?

Rhode Island Reds come either Rose or Single comb...

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That is one LEGGY Rhode Island.

But, yes, this is a Rosecomb variety. Just because your average Production Reds are single combed doesn't mean that's what they all look like.

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