Horny drake

If you can pick up some Terramycin eye ointment you can use that on his eye. What a cutie he is.

Putting 2 drakes together in water isn't a good idea it's not going to be pleasant for the one drake that is getting mated. Is there a way to keep them together but not where they are trying to mate each other? maybe one in a large dog crate?
Keep up the soaks and be patient it can take a while to get the scab to come off without damaging healthy skin too.
If possible place his food and water apart so he has to walk to his water and place his water on a tray or broiler pan[I found a used one at Good will] that way the water he spills is down in the pan. I put puppy pee pads on top of the broiler pan.

The brother with the missing back-toe nail should heal fine, you can soak him too to help speed up the healing and put some antibiotic ointment on it.
Ok thanks. I put some of the triple antibiotic ointment on it last night. Thank you for the broiler pan idea, I will use 2 9x12 casserole plans for it.

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