Horse Roleplay!

Yeah it’s back on page 100 I went through like 80 pages to find it lol:
Name: Mico
Age: 10
Gender: F
Looks: she is a miniature pony with a huge crush on silver! She hasn’t been brought to the stables yet but Jenny is buying a stablemate for Mirage much to her dismay. She is a pinto pony with two blue eyes and a tail which drags on the ground.
personality: cheeky, crushing on silver, funny and full of attitude.
Herd: stables
Rank: NA
Other: @Dawnwolf1234 also she won’t share a stable with Mirage it’s kinda just an excuse for Jenny to get another horse)
(Also she is over Silver)
Ryan comes in the stables "ooh that's him!" she said stomping his hoves and looked at mico.Ryan opened the gate doors "hi willow want to go for a ride "willow neighed quietly and walked to Ryan "see you later Mico"he smiled and let Ryan put on the tack
Ryan leads willow out to the arena and gets up ,willow got shocked a bit and moved forward trying to jump over the fence"wowh willow ,calm down ,it's only me"Ryan said calmly so he slowed down Ryan kicked a little telling him to walk but when willow felth that kick he ran as fast as he could then their was a pup on the reigns and willow stopped another kick came in this time willow was too exhausted on tuning so he walked slowly "good boy !"he said tapping him on the neck .willow finally got it Ryan taps willow moves .another tap came in willow soeeded up "good trot"Ryan said and give a nother kick willow Galoped but when Ryan pulled the reigns a little willow slowed down in a canter "nice boy !"Ryan said and rid him for an hour .after that ,Ryan got down"next week we will train to get the rithm right .you'll get the basics we will start jumping, racing,and going out on hacks,befor you know we willbe starting In competitions"he said taking the tack off willow and putting him in the stall,then giving him oat mixture and adding more hay in his feeder ,he took out all waist and put in a nice straw bale at the back of the stall "see ya tomorrow willow"he said calmly and walked to the exist

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