Hose Bib

Being remote is nice. Until you have to chainsaw your way out of the driveway, and the local power company makes clear your part of the county is its absolute bottom priority because there aren't enough users of power, and no critical busineses, to make it worth the drive unless there is nothing better to do.
We have that issue with the roads not being plowed in the winter. We are on our own for the last 1/4 mile. There are times we've driven out over the farmer's field. Tip: If you can see the tops of the cut corn stalks, you can get out with the Jeep. If you can't see the corn, the snow is too deep for the Jeep. Forget about taking the car.

The only school kids on our road are home schooled. The country might pay attention more if a bus had to get through.
Yep. I'm not middle of nowhere; just near the end of this power line. 5 houses = no rush.
Exactly. No one has critical health issues back here, no school kids, only 5 houses. Very low priority. We all have some kind of generator, as the power can be off for 3-4 days, if there's a bad storm.

But dang! It is quiet back here! :) Love the peace and quiet.

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