Host a BYC Traveling Mascot!

So Ms. Donna came all the way down to Maryland to pick me up. I told her I was
a-scaird to go back to New Jersey. She called Ms. Lina who called Mr. Judge and he said it was ok to come back to New Jersey and that my community service is completed, with time served, but I haffta buy a box of donuts for the poweicemans. I was having so much fun with lilbizzy, I got to get play injun with the chickies, and collect eggs again they are so much bigger than the last time I was there. We went to toys are us OMG we walked all around the store, tried all the toys and only bought me swimmies.

So Ms. Donna put me on a leash and we went back to New Jersey. We got to ride on the ferry boat, soo cool.


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Ms. Donna said I would be in the dog house if I'm bad. We even tried on houses

I told Ms. Donna I would be a good ducky from now on. Today Pumpkin and myself waited for Ms. Donna to get home from work.
Woo hoo!
Beaker is sure getting around, and is certainly a duck of the world!

So, who has entered a travel pod lately? Can we have a show of wings?

I know some will be entering soon, after we get past the holiday. I think everyone agrees that being in a travel pod would be a sad sad way to spend Independence Day!!!

I sure hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July!
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i see Beaker is minding himself and not trying to be an escapee. good Beaker.

Fancy sure is enjoying herself too!

all this fun!

i miss Roscoe!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i know i acted like it was James missing him, but it's really me!

sorry. i just broke down there for a moment. i'm okay now. not really. but i'll act like it anyway.

yeah for more mascot updates! more, more, more!
Sorry for the delay all we had a very buzy evening yesterday and today after work I had chores to do for the jail to keep them stocked up for the 3 day weekend
then had meeting to go to. Boy Am I Tired

Any way yesterday just after I got off from work I picked up Ms Fancy and we headed to the arena for my 4H horse project meeting. Our County Jr. Livestock fair is the end of July. So we are trying to get in as much work with the kids as we can. Fancy was all eggcited to be able to watch the kids work with their horses. "I hope I get to ride too. Do you think someone will let me?" Oh I am sure Ms Fancy that as polite as you are you will get to ride with someone.
"Oh I sure hope so.. I tried talking to Annie and Queenie today and they said they were not in the mood for giving any rides today."

When we arrived I went over the entry forms with the kids. Ms Fancy went looking around. She found a couple of boys throwning the football. Well they threw it to her to. So she joined them in a triangle of catch.

Then she watched the girls as they worked in the arena on horse back. "Oh who is the horse wearing the Purple?" Ms Fancy asked Well that would be Whitney and Misty. So after they were done I asked if they would come over to met Ms Fancy. And Ms Fancy Told Misty she so nice in Purple. I asked Misty (Whitney's Horse) if she would give her a ride, Misty said it was fine idea.

The Gracie and Butterscotch also offered to give Ms Fancy a ride. She was delighted that the girls and fillies with the purple blankets gave her rides.

She told both girls and their horses thank you and that she hoped they both win in the Horse show.

On the way home Fancy chattered on about nice it was to watch all the kids and their horses working so well together and having fun too. And how much she enjoyed riding with the girls and chatting with them and their horses.

Oh and Thank you Ms Karan for the Cowgirl hat.

Well that was Ms Fancy adventure with our 4H Horse group.

Tootsie and I headed to work at the Georgetown Antique Mall that my Grandmother owns and where I am worked like a

We didnt really want to do anything at first so we went shopping! Its great to go shopping at work, but terrible because you buy something alllll the time!

First we checked out at the really old fancy high-end stuff... Neat!

But Tootsie said that she really was more into the Vintage Shabby Chic look.


She found a step-back cabinet she thought was wonderful and just the right size too!

In the same booth she found a fork that was the same pattern her mother had! Ah.......Memories!!

These were her favorite portrait plates. She told me one looked JUST like her Great-Grandfather!! Maybe it was?!

Tootsie phone home?

Next we went to the Doll Lady's booth. She has all kinds of little cool stuff and does doll repair. Tootsie told me this was her favorite, and if she was not traveling, she would have stocked up!
Blue willow Tea set!

Vintage Oven

Early solid wood table

She even found some help and tried on some shoes!

Upstairs, she found her favorite oil painting! I love it to, but I have a huge old house and had to "borrow" a bigger painting to fill my wall.

Finally we decided to get to work. We had to empty an open case, full of glassware and clean it all. It took awhile. The case is about 8 feet tall and 11 feet wide. After about an hour, Tootsie said that she was getting dizzy from the Windex fumes, so I found her a mask.

We finally finished and found some cool chairs to hand out in and have a chat. Tootsie picked this chair. She said she really loved the color! She felt like it was a throne! Queen Tootsie VIII

At the end of the day, I found her on a case looking at some Asian artifacts...


She is looking foward to working with me at the riding stables on Saturday. I told her it was more fun than dusting all day!
i love watching this thread, you all are so halarious!!! I wish i could get those pictures i still have of Beaker off my sister in laws camera... ill add them if i ever do

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