Hot Weather Mash

I am only allowed 6 chickens in the city, but here’s what I do to spoil my fuzzy butts.

I like to leave some red on the watermelon rind for them when I cut one up. I then cut it up into about 2”x5” pieces and freeze them in a plastic bag. Then I take out 3-4 pieces and put it in the run for them. They love it.

The other thing I do is put some strawberry hulls and apple cut into chunks (cored out first ) and drop them into a storage container that has a lid. I add water to about 1/2” of full and freeze them. Then I pop them out and give them to the chickens like a big ice cube. My granddaughters call them chicken popsicles when they get to give the chickens one.

I’ve also frozen whole pickling cucumbers and given them to the chickens They love all of these. Especially this week , where it has been 100+ here in boise.
Some treats that I serve to my chickens on hot days:
  • Watermelon, Honeydew Melon or Cantaloupe – you can cube it, slice it or just cut it in half and serve it to them. They love it!
  • Meal worms frozen into little ice cubes.
  • Frozen grapes, cubed berries and melons

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