How am I supposed to study when it's this nice out?


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
The weather is incredibly beautiful here in central NY. It feels like Fall and is just cool enough for a hoodie or sweatshirt. I'm supposed to be studying dog anatomy and failing to do so for most of the day! I had my first vet school quiz this weekend, so I'm still decompressing from the stress of that! Beautiful weather isn't helping my drive to be productive! LOL

How's the weather by you?
Lauren, here at home it is a beautiful 'pre fall' day. Low humidity, temps in the mid 70's and a slight breeze - in a word beautiful. I understand exactly how you are feeling. I always found it hard to study on the special days. Get to the books and make us all proud.
Same!!!! Here in Lebanon... the same situation.... but I have year twelve.... tomorrow is the first day... but for our timing it's today lol..
I ended up falling asleep in the sun after reading some lecture notes. I don't feel all that bad though because I still have plenty of time to get the rest of the stuff done before bed. This coming week will be a lot of info, but fairly short days, so I should be able to get everything accomplished after classes!
I'm sooooo jealous!!
Its still hot down here in S. Florida. But, the hubby and I are going to go to western N.C. again this year, in October, so I do have that to look forward to. I love the fall, its my favorite time of the year! Enjoy those beautiful days, okay? But keep on studying, lol! I'm sure you'll do just fine!!
I wish it would cool down here too. I am sooo ready for fall weather. I really admire you for getting into vet school. Good luck.

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