How and with what to trim butt fluff


10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
I've got a BO with horrible BO, primarily because she keeps dirtying the fluff under her vent. Unfortunately she's also the most personable bird in the flock, so she insists on coming and standing right next to you while you're working in the hen house, resulting in a hefty whiff of overflowing septic tank. Can't be any good for her, either; the last thing I want is a maggot problem.

I need to trim her hiney, but I need suggestions on how to do it and what tools to use. I hate the idea of giving her a bath (she's not a pet, and bathing livestock that's not going to show kinda runs against the grain), but I think that's going to have to happen to get her clean enough to trim with anything without just going "squish squish" and not actually cutting anything. She's pulled some of the fluff out already while cleaning herself; the rest I'd like to trim in the hopes that it will grow back more slowly than that which was actually pulled out completely.

She's completely tame and can be handled in any way necessary.

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