How big a flock for this set up?


11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
I am thinking of getting a mixed flock of chickens, mostly for eggs to eat, but also for colored eggs to decorate and sell. I am not skilled at construction, but many pre-made coops seem very small and expensive. If I used the following set-up, how many birds do you think I could house? The flock I am considering would consist of Buff Orpingtons, EEs, a dark brown egg breed, and if I could get them, maybe a pair of partridge silkies.

The dog kennel is 7 1/2'W x 13'L x 6'H. I would buy a cover for it, which is specifically designed for that kennel.


The dog house is of the same dimensions that many of the pre-fab coops seem to be: 34-1/2"L x 34-1/2"D x 50"H. Could I convert this house to a chicken house? It has a hinged roof, so it should be easy to open and clean. I can buy prefab next boxes and roosts should be relatively easy for even me to install.


I welcome any constructive thoughts, observations, suggestions, and comments.
Due to the size of the "coop" or due to the size of the run (97.5 sqft). I appreciate your opinion, but a little more info would be helpful. Also, I don't know if it makes any difference, but I live in Mississippi and the birds would not be confined for any length of time.
With your name, I was thinking the swamps of Louisiana, but Mississippi is logical. I like the name by the way, but I doubt you are a monster.

The dog kennel is 7 1/2'W x 13'L x 6'H. I would buy a cover for it, which is specifically designed for that kennel.

This is about 97 square feet. With a regular coop, probably about 9 or 10 chickens, but with this set-up, I'd guess 7 or 8.

The dog house is of the same dimensions that many of the pre-fab coops seem to be: 34-1/2"L x 34-1/2"D x 50"H. Could I convert this house to a chicken house? It has a hinged roof, so it should be easy to open and clean. I can buy prefab next boxes and roosts should be relatively easy for even me to install.

This is about 8 square feet. The rule of thumb is for 4 square feet per standard sized bird, but that assumes a minimum of 10 square feet in the run and that you at times have to keep them locked in the coop due to weather. If you feed and water outside and put the nest boxes outside so they primarily use this as a roosting area, you can probably go with 4 chickens. They will need shade from the hot summer sun and, if you feed outside, the feeder needs to be covered to keep it dry.
FYI. I have seen that dog run displayed on the Lowes website. I considered buying it myself until I saw the chainlink in person. It is very low quality fencining. The wire making the links is very thin and flimsy. A large dog could easily get through it. I bought something else once I saw it.

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