How big a GEEK are YOU?

Thanks for your aproval!
WINNER Ladies and gentleman, We have a winner. LOL

heh! i think i can top that! my honey moon was the week of GenCon 2006! gaming central! dh and i play BattleTech and our names are in one of the rule sets as play testers! i even brought my wedding dress along that week and wore it while playing! we play D&D, and i have most of the pieces to Wargods of Aegyptus to run full-on battle games! dh owns the whole collection of B5, the original episodes of Battlestar Galactica on DVD that came with the Cylon head box, and lots of other sci-fi stuff from the 70-80's that i remember seeing as re-runs while he got to see them when they originally aired. my dh has a degree in Physics, i took classes in high school for animal sciences but have a degree in computers.
kind of. the word "Geek" used to refer to one who was a "freak", a "fool", or was "crazy"
sometimes the circus would have a "Geek show" here's what wikipedia has to say about it:
"Formerly, in 18th century Austria-Hungary, Gecken were freaks shown by some circuses. In 19th century, in North-America, the term geek referred to a freak in circus side-shows. In some cases, its performance included biting the head off a live chicken. The 1976 edition of the American Heritage Dictionary included only the definition regarding geek shows."
Chickie'sMoma :

WINNER Ladies and gentleman, We have a winner. LOL

heh! i think i can top that! my honey moon was the week of GenCon 2006! gaming central! dh and i play BattleTech and our names are in one of the rule sets as play testers! i even brought my wedding dress along that week and wore it while playing! we play D&D, and i have most of the pieces to Wargods of Aegyptus to run full-on battle games! dh owns the whole collection of B5, the original episodes of Battlestar Galactica on DVD that came with the Cylon head box, and lots of other sci-fi stuff from the 70-80's that i remember seeing as re-runs while he got to see them when they originally aired. my dh has a degree in Physics, i took classes in high school for animal sciences but have a degree in computers.​


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