How Big If # of Chickens is Going to Change


9 Years
Feb 16, 2010
NE Ohio
First, sorry. I couldn't think of an intelligent Subject.

I currently have 16 eggs in the incubator, which at this point are all viable. Without counting my chickens before they hatch (
), we're planning to keep 6-8 for eggs and butcher the remaining.
I'm trying to plan out my chicken coop and run. I've read 2-3 ft inside and 3-4 ft outside per chicken. many chickens do I count on?
I don't want to plan it on 8, but have them crowded until the others are butchered. My yard is pretty small though, so I don't want to build something for 16 if we don't need that much space.

I hope I'm making sense....

Any thoughts? Suggestions?
Build it as big as you can stand. That gives you the biggest flexibility for the future, and the best ability to accommodate whatever #chickens you wind up with, and if you end up with more generous space per chicken they will be happier and your work will be easier

Good luck, ahve fun,

If you're hatching out LF chicks your space needs when they're grown are more like 4' inside and 10' outside. I'm an enabler so I say go as big as you reasonably can--you will find more breeds that you just HAVE to have and it's easier/more economical to build once and not add on every year.

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