How big should my Pop out door be?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
I'm building my first chicken coop and not sure how big my pop out door for the chickens should be? I would like it took be big enough for a Jersey Giant.
Mine is about 13 wide by 14 high - plenty big enough. I notice they come outside in the morning two by two , but they are still very young. So if they get BIG they have plenty of room.

but mostly I see others use 12x12.
Thanks for your help. I was thinking I might make it a little bigger because I have a couple Buff Orpingtons.
With Jersey Giants I would go just a little bigger. I think mine is 11 x 12 and my buff orp hen has no issues going through, but when I look at it, sometimes I wish I'd done a 12 x 14 or so...
Mine is 9" wide x 12" high. I have 4 BOs and it is plenty big enough for them (even Big Bertha). They come out in single file though.
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