How Can I Get A Hen UN Broody?

I'm no expert either, but I have one whose broody now and I get her off the nest to eat and drink. No food or water is a bad idea. I don't think dunking in water is a good idea.  Just let her be and make sure she gets some nourishment and water and if she's in the coop make sure she's got good ventilation and that it doesn't get too hot.

Yeah, if you aren't feeding her and dunking her in water I think it'd just make her sick.
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I'm no expert, but I had a broody Ameraucauna for weeks..very stubborn.. During her broodiness, we had a coyote attack and half of our flock was wiped out.. Lucky her, while the other chickens were free ranging she was in the coop and was never found by the coyote. Recently she's been out in the run all day, playing with the other chickens, and eating and drinking plenty. So for us, the phase just ended. Keep us updated if it does for you too:)
I think the point is to make sure she doesn't do a quick sneak and grab some food here and there so she is good and hungry so when you let her out there is a better chance she will go to the food and stay there for a while rather than grabbing 1 mouthful and running back to her nest.

That makes no sense really, either. They barely eat when they're broody...going back to regular eating and drinking is part of what helps break the cycle, imo.
Going through this right now. She is really stubbornso I just take her food an water she is sitting on 4 eggs so I'm just gonna let her have at it!! I seen a video on YouTube that the guy went and got baby chicks and put them under her making her beleive they hatched and she was all done and is now a mother. Lol
WOW just plain WOW.

I feed my 5 broodies in the nests. I leave very early in the morning to work and want to make sure they have eaten. I feed them their favorite treats and some mackerel.
No food and no water is just not something I would EVER be willing to do to an animal. I think if my VET told me no food or water for 3 days I would find a new vet. Water is critical to life.

5 broodies in the nests are just going to have to run the cycle. Yes it is a cycle that nature dictates for them. I have non broody breeds and broody breeds. I do intend to raise some chicks next year from hatching eggs under said chronic broodies. I do sell eggs and chose the breeds based on what I wanted from them.

I must admit I was a bit shocked by what some people are willing to do to the broody hens. Just not right in my opinion, not right at all.
The most successful breaking method I have implemented is the wire bottom cage mounted several feet off the ground. I did a secure mount so that it wouldn't rock or fall down injuring the bird, particularly when the hen is starting to break from the cycle they can be very active trying to find a way out of the cage. The bird also has access to food and water 24/7. Most of my hens break within 1-3 days of this method, 4 days sometimes just for good measure. This has worked for the past 5 broody hens I have used it on.

Like you, I also had a broody hen that simply WOULD NOT break. I tried the wire cage for 2 weeks, partial dunk in water etc etc and nothing helped, she brooded the entire duration then broke on her own. She was by far the most determined broody I have ever had. I even tried placing ice cubes under her while she was brooding without any impact.
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WOW just plain WOW.

I feed my 5 broodies in the nests. I leave very early in the morning to work and want to make sure they have eaten. I feed them their favorite treats and some mackerel.
No food and no water is just not something I would EVER be willing to do to an animal. I think if my VET told me no food or water for 3 days I would find a new vet. Water is critical to life.

5 broodies in the nests are just going to have to run the cycle. Yes it is a cycle that nature dictates for them. I have non broody breeds and broody breeds. I do intend to raise some chicks next year from hatching eggs under said chronic broodies. I do sell eggs and chose the breeds based on what I wanted from them.

I must admit I was a bit shocked by what some people are willing to do to the broody hens. Just not right in my opinion, not right at all.

I agree. Just leave them alone if they are that determined. That's what we have to do with our peahens. If we try to break a broody cycle on a peahen, it's disaster. They just so stress out. I learned my lesson about that. I felt so awful for our poor Sweetpea when she couldn't set on her eggs.
Put her back in her coop and close of all the boxes she was going in and see if that work it worked with me.
I have never been unsuccessful in 'breaking' a broody.

This year is different.

I have put the hen in a dog cage without a pan in the bottom... no water or food for a few days...
she still wants to set.

I have dunked her in water
and she still wants to set.

She has been in that cage for over 2 weeks. I let her out every few days to eat and drink.

Tonight I hung the cage from a rafter so it can swing.....I have heard that is unsettling to a broody hen...

If that doesnt work... what tricks do you use to change the mind of a broody hen?

I think this is one of the most inhumane things I've read here on BYC and I'm sorry I did read it. This is no way to treat any animal IMO. The animals we bring into our care should be respected, not subjected to cruelty. No food, no water, dunking her, swinging her cage = cruelty and zero respect for a helpless animal.

I also have to wonder why the BYC team felt this was an appropriate post to have in the home page banner when there are so many helpful/informative posts and stunning photos and well-crafted coops they could have put on the banner. Why use this one?

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