how can i get big eggs


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
my friends chickens lay smaller eggs than the ones grocery stores sell. how can i get big ones from chickens?
Squeeze the hen harder.
You need a breed that lays bigger eggs, but the birds don't have to be big themselves. My Blue Orps are the biggest birds I have but they lay an egg just a little bigger than a bantam.

edited to add: My EE lays the biggest eggs then my Black Marans
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I am not sure that you can force your chickens to lay bigger eggs. If they are pullets and have not been laying long than you will get bigger eggs as they get older.

I agree with another poster you will want to get a breed of hen that lays big eggs. My buff orphs seem to lay the biggest eggs for me, than my BR and EEs.

Good luck!
My Welsummers lay the largest eggs of all the breeds I own. I used to have an old Austrlorp hen that laid a huge egg but she was pushing a hundred and ten in Chicken years.
The largest eggs I ever saw personally from a backyard flock was a neighbor whose Turkens all laid a huge egg. I have had Jersey giants and their eggs were not big at all. Same with my Wyandottes.
Check out the Hnederson Chicken chart. It might give you some better info.
I've got RIR's and Golden Comets. The RIR were raised here, and the Golden Comets were raised in an egg house (for store bought eggs). The RIR were hatched this past March, and the Golden Comets are around 1 year and 3 months old. The RIR lay large eggs and the Golden Comets lay Super Jumbo.

Here is a photo of my typical dozen eggs that I sell:


The four on the far left are the golden comets, the four in the middle are the RIRs, and the four on the right are the silkies.

My RIRs are much larger in body than the golden comets. I have heard that golden comets burn out on egg laying quicker than most breeds, but mine were free and I saved them from being turned into dog food, so I'm not complaining!
My easter egger lays the biggest eggs I have in my flock. Her very first egg was huge. Her first egg was bigger than the eggs my black sex links have been laying for a while, and those are a good size.
I agree, get a breed that lays bigger eggs if the chickens you are talking about are full grown. If they are pullets then just wait it out.
Its true, size of the chicken does not always correlate to the size of the leg they lay.
I have some big fat mamas laying very average size eggs.

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