how can i get my dog to eat his food?

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John, if your dog food is high quality food, you should not be changing the food. It will mess with the dog's
digestive system. When a dog is on a food, then switched, his tummy is going to be messed up. If you want
something to change up, start raw feeding. The dog himself has no 'preference' of whether you rotate or not,
so don't think he does.

the food he is on now is not high quality thats why i want to change.

But your wanting to change it every couple months. If your changing the food to something that he will be eating
from there on, that is 100% OK. But what you are doing, changing it every couple of months because you think he
will get bored of the same food, is NOT ok. BYC IS a place to come for advise, the only reason why people are not
being pansies and roses to you is because they've given you the advise several times, and you just wont listen.
Well im sorry, im sorry if use dont think im smart enough to learn. oh well.
I think your plenty smart enough to learn, if it came out to you that we were saying your not smart, that is
NOT what we are saying. We're simply giving you the advise you asked for and your refusing to take it. Like
the others have said, and I agree with this 100%, if you'll do a bit of research, you'd be much better off rather
than coming here asking questions and refusing to take our advise. We are not trying to beat you down, we
are simply trying to help you.
Well you's could try help in a more polite way. I want to change my dogs food but it will be getting changed more then once in a year unless i am really happy with it.
1) A health check up may be in order to rule out any issues. Tooth or mouth pain, swallowing, etc. etc.

2) No table food!

It's not good for the dog and starts bad habits. Dog should not be allowed near table.
If your dog is not already crate trained, get one and start using it. The crate is NOT
to be used for punishment. No "Bad dog! Get in your crate!" situations. The crate
is a safe haven and it should only take 2 words "<dog's name>, CRATE!" in a firm
no nonsense voice for the dog to go in.

3) Find a good quality dog food (dry is best), that is the right bite size for the dog's breed/size.

Ask for free samples at the local pet store. You want a "Meat first ingredient" w/ no wheat or corn
fillers type food. Change over to the new food slowly over a 10 day period. 10% new 90% old for
2 days, 1/4 of new 3/4 old type for 2 days, 50/50 2 days, 75/25% 3 days, 100% 10 days.

Ive decided what food i am getting him, i just want to know it is safe to change him over
I just wanted to say, my dogs have eaten Taste of the Wild for about three years now. They do wonderfully on it. However, I change the variety almost every time I buy a bag. No upset tummies, and this way they are getting a variety. Right now they are eating Pacific Stream, next month they might be eating the Wetlands or High Prairie formula, and so on. I wouldn't recommend changing the actual brand for a sensitive dog, due to the big differences in nutrients, fat, calories, etc. But then again I know several people on a dog forum who rotate between a few high quality, usually grain free, brands. If you establish a pattern that works for your dog, maybe between 2 or 3 brands or varieties within a brand, and your dog has no problems, then I don't really see what the big deal is. That said, make sure they are all similar in quality (all should be meat based), and don't switch it up more than every month or two. Introduce each new food slowly, over the course of a week or two, and stick to those brands. Also, raw meat is a great way to give some variety. Good luck!
Im just going to wait till Febuary till i upgrade his food to a higher quality one because i dont want to make him ill.
ive got hjis new food and i did what you said and put quater new and 3 quater old but hes just eating the new one?
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