How can I get my young hens to stop pulling all the straw from their nestboxes?


7 Years
May 31, 2012
New Hampshire
I have recently started raising three hens in an effort to get eggs eventually. I have noticed that as soon as I put new straw in their nest boxes, they immediately want to tear it all out. Im guessing that if it keeps up, when they start laying their eggs, the eggs will break without the straw. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated! :D
Have you already tried pine shavings in the nesting box? They may be less likely to mess with the shavings.
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Oh it's no problem at all! I don't personally raise chickens but I know many people in my area seem to prefer the pine shavings method for their nest boxes. Hopefully it will work for you as well. If you have any other questions feel free to ask
You have hens are pullets ? Young pullets are curious & will investigate everything in the coop. They make sure its built right & everythings a- ok before they lay their eggs in the boxes. LOL. You might wanna add some fake eggs in the boxes to let them know where to lay plus it gives them something else to pull out of the boxs so you have to pick it up as well. Chickens are very curious they love to scratch & peck they are always looking for something to eat. They think there might be a bug under the hay or whatever you use. JMO.
If they are not close to laying age you might want to just block off the nests. They will just keep making a mess scratching and exploring and learning. I would open it back up when they are older.

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Do you have a lip on the front of the box to retain the nesting material? With out such a restraint they will easily kick all of it out.

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