How can I make a difference?


10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
I have a veryyy strong love for animals and I constantly see the effects of animal abuse whether it be a domestic animal, wild animal, or farm animal raised for food. I would really love to help save abused animals, but I'm not sure what I can do. I can't take in any animals, but I want to help so badly. Once I have my own place, I plan on moving to a large ranch where I can run a rescue, but that's still a good few years away and I want to help now.
Any donations to animal rescue is always needed! That includes monitary, food, bedding, and volunteering.
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I volunteer at a cat rescue. I help a foster home that has elderly kitties that need medications and fluids.
Every little bit helps but the best way to help is by being a positive example. You can possibly go to elementary school classes and give a talk on proper animal care and needs. Awareness must start young!
Volunteer. No gift says I want to help, like the gift of your time. It is real, it is worth money and it makes *you* feel better than just writing a check (which is also good).

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