How can I make an egg turner?


9 Years
May 8, 2010
I was going to buy one, but I live in Australia and there are NONE here, so i have to get one off ebay in America and they cost $52 + $50 P&H!!!


i was just wondering if you can make one easily, and it WORKS. no technicals involved. I don't think I would be able to schedule a routine to turn them by hand. '

Thanks in advance.
when you say no technicals how far would you go to build one, all the self build designs i know of require some building skills. or to put it another way... the less you want to get technical the more likely it is to cost you money. for example if your prepared to build a small fairly simple board controller then you dont need a geared motor as you can speed control the motor from say a cordless drill, but if you dont want to build the board then your looking at a more exspensive type motor with a gearbox. then you need to think about space and how efficient you want things. the tilting turners work well but require more space loss as your tilting trays, unless you go for individual row tilting wich is better space wise but is slightly harder to build.
or you have the moveing floor turners you can build, but you have the same questions with motor type. you need to have a good think about how much building you want to do and how many eggs your going to be turning, if its 20 or under then a simple turner is pretty easy to do. if its a bigger bator then it may well be better to buy one. so if you can give more details i will be able to help you better
It is a homemade Incubator and it is quite big, maybe a metre and a half long and a metre wide, It has a light bulb on each end, which are dimmable, but we turned them on to see how hot they would get and they only reached 73 degrees farenheit, the lights were on for 2 hours. It has a cpu fan in the middle. It's not completely finished and I could fit a lot of eggs in there, maybe 30 or under. I don't exactly want that many though, maybe about 15 and below, so I'm looking to build an automatic egg turner.

Here is a picture of it so far.
it sounds like you either need to up your wattage on the bulbs or add another 2 bulbs in the middle of the incy.

I have been playing with a defrost timer motor that is on household refrigerators the old style is the gear motor type ,it is approximately the same motor I have on my LG/miller turner. this probably wont help you much but I disassembled my LG/miller turner and just started copying parts using thin ally I just have not done much with the project lately. I have just 2 more hatches and then I will probably turn the incys off for a while and try to catch up on the project. Most of the turner I am building has been done with a bench vise a hand held drill and a file

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