How can I tell hens from roos?


12 Years
Mar 26, 2007
I got 7 EE from the feed store in late April. They are all so very gorgeous and most of them have grown VERY rapidly. A couple are as big as our BA roos that are 6 weeks older and wuite large. Those with some sort of comb vary in color from light pink to bright pink/almost red. Their combs are sort of fat looking and short not flat and thin/tall-look kind of like wads of chewed up gum.

Is there a way to tell whether I have male or female birds before they start crowing or laying?


Post some pics. I'm sure you'll get lots of help identifying who is who. The best time to tell on EEs is from 5-7 weeks old, but at their age I am sure we will see distinct differences. Roosters tails are usually held higher and walk in a more upright stance. Hens tend to have a low even back and aren't so quick to stand up real tall. The hens will also have smaller pea combs, where the rooster's may be brighter red and thicker. Males also have pointy neck and saddle feathers, where females are more roundish. You can also typically tell the difference by sound.

Roos always seem to be on the look out... giving you the "eye" and such. Another thing I've noticed, and maybe I'm crazy, is that roos will jump down (off a roost, a trash can, whatever) with a *thud*, whereas a pullet will flap her wings to break her jump.
The best bet would be to post some pictures. A lot of people here are very accurate.
OH! How I would love to post pics! BUT my camera is on the fritz and I've got to send it in to be repaired.
It is NEW too. I'll try to get some pics soon.


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