How can I tell if they have started laying yet?

well one of my younger girls started laying yesterday. I knew she would be ready to start laying in December but I figured that due to not as much sunlight in the day she would wait until spring. The egg she laid today is SO beautiful.
The egg is real small the picture just makes it look big

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Hey all!

I have six hens..a buff, a new hampshire, a mixed with wynadotte and RIR, and pure RIR , and two austalorps. I am getting one egg a day right now, as three of them are moulting. But i have NO CLUE of which of my girls is laying the egg. I always get there too late to see who is in the nesting boxes or either they wait until i leave to lay :( The egg is a light brownish color. Not white and def not dark brown! Out of those would any of you have a clue to who might be laying? I am 100 % sure that one of my autra's is moulting and my mix well she is two and the guy that i got her from said that she lays a soild white egg.

Just trying to see if anyone might have an idea


Hey all!

I have six hens..a buff, a new hampshire, a mixed with wynadotte and RIR, and pure RIR , and two austalorps. I am getting one egg a day right now, as three of them are moulting. But i have NO CLUE of which of my girls is laying the egg. I always get there too late to see who is in the nesting boxes or either they wait until i leave to lay :( The egg is a light brownish color. Not white and def not dark brown! Out of those would any of you have a clue to who might be laying? I am 100 % sure that one of my autra's is moulting and my mix well she is two and the guy that i got her from said that she lays a soild white egg.

Just trying to see if anyone might have an idea



Hey, question what does your RIR/wyandotte mix look like? B/c I was going to hatch some of my RIR eggs w/my golden laced wyandotte roo & was curious. (we have a gamecam that we have to look at our nesting box :) I love it b/c I know which hen laid which egg :)
Hey, question what does your RIR/wyandotte mix look like? B/c I was going to hatch some of my RIR eggs w/my golden laced wyandotte roo & was curious. (we have a gamecam that we have to look at our nesting box :) I love it b/c I know which hen laid which egg :)

Believe it or not she is white with a few black spots. I have a picture I will post for you :)
What is meant by squatting?
your hen will plant herself on the ground, wings slightly spread. its a submissive pose, telling the dominant rooster (aka you if there isn't one) that she is accepting the rooster to mate her. Pullets often will display that pose prior to laying, but not always. Good sign they are ready to lay also.. hope that helps

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