how can i tell when my chickens will lay????


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 24, 2009
I have 3 legghorns 17weeks old 6 golden comets 16 weeks old. How can i tell when they are going to lay??
1 good way is their combs and waddles will get bright red. Another way I read about is if you can get 2 fingers into their vent they are getting ready to lay eggs. Let me know how that works for ya.
your not going to be sticking those fingers any were nasty, my DH has the same problem, also if you look at the vent it gets larger(wider) and softer
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I have 4 Leghorns...they will be 21 weeks old tomorrow and I just got my very first white egg yesterday. It was big compared to my brown eggs!
I think it was more white eggs today, so I have 3 more that haven't layed anything yet. Their combs and wattles have been growing and turning red since they were 17 weeks old. They also squat down now when I pet them on their back.
Dont no about the 2 fingers thing but 2 chickens combs are alot more red than the others and those 2 are clucking different?
Thanks for the question. I was wondering too.
I don't want to put my fingers "in" any part of one of my poor chickens

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